Is A.I. Going to Destroy My Business

Business owners MUST set aside time to understand recent changes in technology, understand if they are a threat, a competitive advantage or not relevant to the viability of their business.

QUESTION: Is Artificial Intelligence A.I. going to affect my business?

ANSWER: Absolutely. They we, and our systems, interact with our customers, vendors, and employees are rapidly changing due to A.I.


QUESTION: Is A.I. going to kill my business?

ANSWER: If you sit back and think about how many things a computer could do in your business, the impact will surprise you. There are several articles about machine automation and human replacement technologies. Even the CEO can be replaced by A.I.

Fear is no way to run a business. Making calculated adjustments, after getting quality education, is the better approach. Start searching. Start asking questions. Start learning. Shed your prior beliefs about what a robot or computer can do. Changes are coming….fast.



As technology brokers, we are your advocate. We can be a source of information. Schedule a call with us to review your technology road map and ask the questions about technology automation.


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